4 Super Wings Transforming Robots Airplanes Jett Jerome Donnie Dizzy 출동...

Fly around the world with the Super Wings Transforming Robots!  These robots transform from a robot to an airplane and back to a robot!  Jett, Jerome, Donnie and Dizzy are all 5-inch scale articulated and transform in a few easy steps! Master the transformation and reenact their favorite missions from the popular TV show, or create your own new adventures with your imagination!


- 5-inch scale transforming figure

- Converts from plane to robot in 10 steps

- Age 3+

- No batteries required

Available at Amazon here:

Jett: https://www.amazon.com/Super-Wings-Transforming-Planes-Jett/dp/B01BFLZ9B2/?tag=thewanfulworo-20

Jerome: https://www.amazon.com/Super-Wings-Transforming-Jerome/dp/B01BCXBJTE/?tag=thewanfulworo-20

Donnie: https://www.amazon.com/Super-Wings-Transforming-Donni/dp/B01BCXGSIG/?tag=thewanfulworo-20

Dizzy: https://www.amazon.com/Super-Wings-Transforming-Dizzy/dp/B01BCXL7HS/?tag=thewanfulworo-20


A Super Wings unboxing, review and demo of toys for boys from Keith's Toy Box.

Check out more Super Wings toy videos here:

