Relive the glory days of steam engines and build Old Puffer Pete, the oldest chugger in Chuggington! Old Puffer Pete by Mega Bloks is totally buildable with a cool wheelbase and spinning spectacles. You can build & roll on the ground or ride the rails, all to recreate the adventures of Chuggington! Join Old Puffer Pete with his friends Wilson, Brewster and Koko and other Mega Bloks chuggers and playsets for endless possibilities!
- Includes 8 pcs / part buildable Old Puffer Pete!
- Old Puffer Pete's spectacles spin 180 degrees.
- Hours of fun on its own or with other Mega Bloks Chuggington building sets.
Sells for US$8 - US$10 at Amazon, Mega Bloks
A Mega Bloks Chuggington unboxing, review and demo of toys for boys from Keith's Toy Box.
More Chuggington toys and train sets at
Check out Mega Bloks sets at
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